JBF230/120-1 JBF230-120-1自动化机械设备单层空气弹簧气囊
广州金特异汽配有限公司 空气弹簧 金威办位于广东 广州市白云区白云大道北新广从汽配城十三街700档,主营空气弹簧内销及出口业务(空气弹簧又俗称气囊、减震气囊、橡胶空气弹簧、空气弹簧气囊、汽车空气弹簧、工业空气弹簧、车辆空气弹簧、气囊避震器、空气弹簧减震器、空气弹簧避震器、空气弹簧减振、空气悬挂空气弹簧、空气悬架空气弹簧、空气减震器、空气避震器、提升空气弹簧、双层囊式空气弹簧、单层囊式空气弹簧、膜式空气弹簧、空气弹簧总成、气囊空气弹簧、充气空气弹簧、充气减震器、气囊减振垫、减震器气囊、避震器气囊、空气弹簧气包、空气弹簧气袋、设备空气弹簧、机床空气弹簧、机床减震装置、防震动空气弹簧、防抖动空气弹簧、空气弹簧缓冲器、空气弹簧悬置、悬架空气弹簧、悬挂空气弹簧、悬浮桥空气弹簧、提升桥空气弹簧、避震气囊、隔震空气弹簧、隔音空气弹簧、气囊减震、气囊减震器、气囊垫、空气囊、橡胶气囊、提升气囊、悬挂气囊、悬架气囊、减振气胎、单囊空气弹簧、双囊空气弹簧、多囊空气弹簧、单曲气囊、双曲气囊、多曲气囊等等叫法不同)空气弹簧英文称air spring 减震器英文称shock absorber 空气悬挂、空气悬架与减震系统在客车,卡车,驾驶室,汽车座椅,豪华轿车,轨道车辆的气囊减震器、减震气囊、空气悬挂橡胶气囊减振以及工业大型机械设备空气弹簧、环保设备空气弹簧、皮革机设备空气弹簧、检测平台设备空气弹簧、洗涤设备空气弹簧、游乐设备空气弹簧、矿石设备管道设备空气弹簧、船泊设备空气弹簧、精密设备空气弹簧、造纸机设备空气弹簧、升降举升台设备空气弹簧、压力机设备空气弹簧、振动运输机空气弹簧、振动筛设备空气弹簧、空气锤设备空气弹簧、振动试验机空气弹簧、铸造机械空气弹簧、4D电影院座椅空气弹簧、压榨机设备空气弹簧、隔震设备空气弹簧、隔震仪器空气弹簧、汽车站检测平台空气弹簧提升、大理石防抖动设备空气弹簧减震装置等等四角悬空空气悬架使设备减少地面震动及减少噪音效果,现国内外设备厂家大多都采用我们广州金威空气弹簧厂家生产的减震系统,防震动减震气囊垫空气悬架,我们提供的开发,设计,制造,销售等服务.做为国内的减震产品系统供应商, 公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取,”的经营理念,坚持“客户**”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务!
一般游乐设备应用气囊型号:FS40-6 FS50-5 FS70-7 FS120-9 FS120-12 FS330-11 FS330-14 FS530-22 FS530-30 FS530-35 FD40-10 FD70-13 FD120-17 FD120-20 FD200-19 FD330-22 FD530-22 FD530-30 FD530-35
OrderNo. Firestone Contitech Goodyear Phoenix Remarks Page
FS22-3 DI CR;
FS40-6 CI;
FS44-5 DI CR;
FS50-5 CI;
FS70-7 CI;
FS70-9 CI;
FS76-7 DI CR;
FS76-7 DS CR;
FS100-10 CI;
FS120-9 CI;
FS120-10 CI;
FS120-12 CI;
FS138-8 DS;
FS200-10 CI;
FS210-10 DS;
FS330-11 CI;
FS330-14 CI;
FS412-10 DS;
FS530-11 CI;
FS530-14 CI;
FS614-13 DS;
FS816-15 DS;
FS960-12 CI;
FS1330-11 CI;
FD22-4 DI CR;
FD40-10 CI;
FD44-10 DI CR;
FD70-13 CI;
FD76-14 DI CR;
FD76-14 DS CR;
FD110-15 CI;
FD120-17 CI;
FD120-20 CI;
FD138-18 DS;
FD200-19 CI;
FD200-22 CI;
FD200-25 CI;
FD209-21 DS;
FD210-22 DS;
FD330-22 CI;
FD330-30 CI;
FD412-18 DS;
FD530-22 CI;
FD530-30 CI;
FD530-35 CI;
FD614-26 DS;
FD816-30 DS;
FD960-22 CI;
FD1330-25 CI;
FT22-6 DI CR;
FT44-15 DI CR;
FT76-20 DI CR;
FT76-20 DS CR;
FT138-26 DS;
FT210-32 DS;
FT330-29 CI;
FT412-32 DS;
FT430-32 CI;
FT530-32 CI;
FT530-35 CI;
FT614-36 DS;
FT816-40 DS;
FT960-34 CI;
FT1330-35 CI;
柳汽乘龙H7驾驶室后悬空气弹簧气囊减振器总成 H73-5001550A Liuqi dragon H7 cab rear suspension air spring shock absorber
JBF230/120-1 JBF230-120-1 1B8-550 W01-358-7564 1E8X4 579913530 FS120-10 自动化机械设备单层空气弹簧气囊垫Automatic mechanical equipment single layer air spring gasbag pad
柳汽乘龙H7驾驶室前悬空气弹簧气囊减振器总成 H73-5001450C H73-5001450E H73-5001450B Dragon H7 cab front suspension air spring shock absorber
1R14-712.pdf 45881MB1R14-713.pdf 33810NTB1R14-714.pdf 29810NT1R14-715.pdf 30811NT1R14-716.pdf 51810MB1R14-717.pdf 39 1R14-718.pdf 42811MB1R14-719.pdf 41811M16K11R14-721.pdf 40 1R14-724.pdf 40 1R14-727.pdf 454813NP071R14-728.pdf 41 1R14-729.pdf 414023NP031R14-730.pdf 414810NP051R14-739.pdf 28811NTB1R14-746.pdf 41 1R14-747.pdf 40 1R14-748.pdf 43881MB1R14-753.pdf 404913NP021R14-755.pdf 334913NP041R14-756.pdf 42725N1R14-757.pdf 434881NP021R14-758.pdf 43912MB1R14-781.pdf 42942MB1R14-782.pdf 41 1R14-783.pdf 414810NP051R8-005.pdf 232 1R8-009.pdf 228 1R8-031.pdf228 1R8-034.pdf 117 1R9-003.pdf 221 1R9-009.pdf 217 1R9-038.pdf 116 1R9-054.pdf 109 1R9-065.pdf 110 1R9-070.pdf 117
陕汽德龙X3000轻量化前四后八卡车拖挂车空气弹簧气囊总成1T17C6 W01-M58-8543 W01-358-8543 1R13-155 1R13155 1V17BS-6 1V17BS6 1T17BS-6 1T17BS6 Dragon X3000 lightweight front four rear eight truck trailer air spring air bag
Cab Mounts1S3-011.pdf 211 1S3-013.pdf 204SK3761S4-007.pdf 217 1S4-008.pdf 218 1S4-034.pdf 33 1S5-005.pdf 213 1S5-006.pdf 217 1S5-010.pdf 217 1S6-023.pdf 216
挂车空气弹簧气囊 air spring air bag 1R13-144 W01-358-9262 566-23-3-144 566233144 566-28-3-144 566283144 566-20-3-144 566203144 W01-358-9580 1398550 1010-21P434 1T15VLT105 4884N1P02 1T17CL-9.5 1R13-708 1R13708
Single Convolutes1B12-305.pdf 109FS330111B12-313.pdf 405FS330111B14-350.pdf 337FS330111B14-351.pdf 117 1B14-358.pdf 102 1B14-364.pdf 225 1B15-375.pdf 404 1B5-500.pdf 211FS4061B5-510.pdf 212 1B5-520.pdf 220 1B6-530.pdf 216FS7071B6-535.pdf 227 1B7-540.pdf 205 1B8-550.pdf 210FS12091B8-560.pdf 227 1B9-202.pdf 355FS20010
9428902919 9428900119 WO2M588014 WO2M588039 4386041200 9428905219 9428906919 MERCEDES-BENZ 奔驰卡车空气弹簧减震器 Mercedes Benz truck air spring shock absorber
Double Convolutes2B6-530.pdf 226 2B6-535.pdf 233FD70132B7-540.pdf 217 2B8-2150.pdf 37 2B8-2152.pdf 37FD120172B8-550.pdf 227FD120172B9-200.pdf 378FD200192B9-201.pdf 117FD200192B9-206.pdf 109FD200192B9-210.pdf 116 2B9-218.pdf 122 2B9-223.pdf 39FD200192B9-225.pdf 116 2B9-2250.pdf 37 2B9-229.pdf 115 2B9-230.pdf 122 2B9-234.pdf 34 2B9-244.pdf 124 2B9-245.pdf 122 2B9-246.pdf 130 2B9-250.pdf 387 2B9-251.pdf 132 2B9-252.pdf 144 2B9-253.pdf 137 2B9-254.pdf 144 2B9-255.pdf 130 2B9-265.pdf 137 2B9-266.pdf 133 2B9-269.pdf 38 2B9-270.pdf 139 2B9-287.pdf 34 2B10-226.pdf 139 2B12-245.pdf 38 2B12-300.pdf 133 2B12-305.pdf 132 2B12-307.pdf 127 2B12-309.pdf 120 2B12-313.pdf 134 2B12-317.pdf 134 2B12-318.pdf 127 2B12-319.pdf 134 2B12-320.pdf 127 2B12-324.pdf 120 2B12-327.pdf 37 2B12-340.pdf 120 2B12-345.pdf 127 2B12-346.pdf 125 2B12-402.pdf 125 2B12-406.pdf 118 2B12-410.pdf 111 2B12-411.pdf 111 2B12-412.pdf 106 2B12-416.pdf 121 2B12-425.pdf 362FD330222B12-426.pdf 113 2B12-427.pdf 113 2B12-428.pdf 130 2B12-429.pdf 130 2B12-432.pdf 130 2B12-434.pdf 123 2B12-440.pdf 396 2B12-446.pdf 107 2B12-463.pdf 107 2B14-354.pdf 408FD530222B14-355.pdf 122FD530222B14-356.pdf 122 2B14-359.pdf 126 2B14-360.pdf 126 2B14-362.pdf 422 2B14-363.pdf 126 2B14-365.pdf 126 2B14-366.pdf 126 2B14-367.pdf 139 2B14-383.pdf 139 2B14-462.pdf 139 2B14-465.pdf 40 2B14-469.pdf 139 2B14-470.pdf 139 2B14-473.pdf 129 2B14-476.pdf 129 2B15-375.pdf 397 2B19-8433.pdf223 2B22-8539.pdf226
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Manufacturer Model OEM F/R BPW BPW 36 05.429.40.14.1 BPW 36 05.429.40.24.1 BPW 36 05.429.40.39.1 BPW 36 05.429.40.47.1 BPW 36 05.429.40.50.1 BPW 36 05.429.40.61.1 Page 1 of 2 file://S1700SharedDocsSuppliersGoodyear@GY2004CD1R14-712.htm 2006/10/10 Competitor BPW 36 05.429.41.21.1 BPW 36 05.429.41.36.1 BPW36 05.429.04.07.1 BPW36 05.429.41.42.1
1B12-301 Flexmember 578-91-3-301 Firestone 7009 Neway 90557002 Triangle 4468 Firestone 6920 7043 Firestone 7103 Peerless 0550-00015 Triangle 4442 Firestone 7104 Triangle 4446 Dayton 354-7112 Firestone 7112 Load Guard SC2012 Navistar 554782C1 Neway AR-1834 90557026 90557028 90557041 Ridewell S-3364-C Triangle 4339 GOODYEAR PART NO. Side View With Extended and Compressed Height Upper Mounting View Lower Mounting View Replaces These Springs 1B12-305 Flexmember 578-91-3-301 1B14-350 Flexmember 578-91-3-351 1B14-351 Flexmember 578-91-3-351 1B14-358 Flexmember 578-91-3-352
2B9-252 Flexmember 578-92-3-206 2B9-253 Flexmember 578-92-3-206 Firestone 6945 Load Guard SC2125 Ridewell 1003586945C Triangle 4427 Firestone 6946, 6962 Hendrickson B-21323 Load Guard SC2126 Ridewell 1003586946C Suspensions, Inc. 200180 Triangle 4463, 4511 Dayton 354-6947 Firestone 6947 Hendrickson B-8701 Load Guard SC2127 Ridewell 1006586947C Triangle 4428 Firestone 6941 HISTEER 10302 2B9-254 Flexmember 578-92-3-206 2B9-255 Flexmember 578-92-3-206 2B9-265 Flexmember 578-92-3-206
Manufacturer Model OEM F/R BPW 02.2002.44.00 KASSBOHRER 4.771.110.000 4.771.143.000 4.771.170.000 4.771.441.000 Page 1 of 3 file://S1700SharedDocsSuppliersGoodyear@GY2004CD8017.htm 2006/10/10 DAF (TRUCK - NL) 689677 R 696229 R HANOMAG - HENSCHEL F76 546905134 R MERCEDES BENZ (TRUCK) 307.327.0001 R 307.327.0101 R 307.328.0001 R 364.327.7001 R VOLVO (TRUCK) 1199873 R 1622111 R F10 1134445 R F12 1134445 R F4 1134445 R F6 1134445 R BUSSING F76 536905265/6 R DAF COACH (NL) SB 2000 0689677 F SB 201 0689677 F EVOBUS 4.771.143.000 R 4.771.170.000 R A.628.320.02.25 R 0303/0405G/0309/0405 A 000.327.01.01 R 0303/0405G/0309/0405 A 000.327.01.01 F 0404 A 000.327.01.01 R S 228 DT 4.771.170.000 R HANOMAG/ HENSCHEL F76 546905134 R HEULIEZ 0303 F 0305G F IKARUS BLUE DANUBE BUS 644N R BLUE DANUBE BUS 644N F IVECO - MAGIRUS Page 2 of 3 file://S1700SharedDocsSuppliersGoodyear@GY2004CD8017.htm 2006/10/10 Competitor 536 905 265 R R105 536 905 265 R R105 536 905 265 F KASSBOHRER-SETRA 216 DHS 4.771.170.000 R 228 DT (6 Manufacturer AirSpring style CFGomma (Pirelli) 1S 285-24 92574 Contitech 644 N Dunlop UK PNP 301470101 PNP 301470102 Springride D11S01 Firestone 1R1A 390-295 095 0118 Phoenix 1E21 Taurus B 121
GOODYEAR PART NO. Side View With Extended and Compressed Height Upper Mounting View Lower Mounting View Replaces These Springs 60 Bolt or Stud - 1/2-13 or 1/2-20 Air Fitting - 1/4 NPTF Stud - 3/4-10 Combination Stud Air Fitting Stud - 3/4-16; Air Fitting - 1/4 NPTF Air Fitting - 1/2 NPTF 3/8 NPTF Tapped Hole on Top Retainers 3/8-16, on Pistons - 1/2-13 Firestone 7808 Load Guard SC2031 Navistar 554801C1 Peerless 0550-00030 Ridewell S-4830C 1003587808C Triangle 4336 Truckstell 63640 3B14-354 Flexmember 578-93-3-350 3B14-356 Flexmember 578-93-3-350 Allison Dayton 354-7798 E-Z Ride 8030170 Firestone 7798 7838 Granning 1613 HDA PMABG- 7798B Load Guard SC2029 Navistar 554802C1 R&S Truck 1090023 Triangle 4329 Watson &Chalin AS-0006 Dayton 354-7818 354-7839 E-Z Ride 8030180 Firestone 7818, 7839 Granning 1014, 1476 Hendrickson B-6861 Langes Porcupine Load Guard SC2032 Navistar 554803C1 Ridewell S-2685C 1003587819C 1003587839C Triangle 4325 Watson &Chalin AS-0025 AS-0033 Dayton 354-7800 Firestone 7800 7848 Granning 4514 Holland Hitch 4514 Load Guard SC2030 Navistar 554804C1 Ridewell S-1505C 1003587800C Silent Drive Superior Triangle 4333 3B14-359 Flexmember 578-93-3-350 3B14-360 Flexmember 578-93-3-350 3B14-361 Flexmember 578-93-3-350 Replaces 3B14-352
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air bag 4022NP02 SAF2618VP02 2619VP02 W01-M58-0756 120822 121662 34022-01P V1DK22E-9NP 566-22-3-526 566223526 1T17BS-6 4.284.3006.00 1R11-850 4284300600 54022AP02
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air bag 4022NP05 SAF2918VP01 132922 W01-M58-8612 V1DK22E-10 32619CPP 1723281 1R11-781 1T17BS-6 566-22-3-526 566223526 54022AP05 3.229.0033.00 3229003300
挂车空气弹簧气囊4022NP03 2618V 1723277 1T17BS-6 136442 W01-M58-6367 34022-03CPP 1R11-714 1R11-751 1R11-710 566-22-3-526 566-22-3-503 1DK22E-9 54022AP03 3.229.0029.00 3.229.2129.00 3.229.2429.00 3.229.2229.00
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring 4881NP02 4881MB 1R14-701 0542943510 0542941010 0542941710 0542942411 0542941361 0542940081 0542941010 0542940281 W01-M58-8601 1R14-708 RTI360515B1 W01-M58-8978 RTI360420B1
中国重汽新斯太尔D7B M5G驾驶室后悬气囊减震器WG1684447121 中国重汽新斯太尔D7B M5G驾驶室后悬空气弹簧减震器WG1684447121/1 73 1700 012 281 731700012281
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring 4881NP02 4881MB 1R14-701 0542943510 0542941010 0542941710 0542942411 0542941361 0542940081 0542941010 0542940281 W01-M58-8601 1R14-708 RTI360515B1 W01-M58-8978 RTI360420B1
工业空气弹簧气囊 Industry Air spring air bag Boot, air suspension FT330-29 1/1 M8 81436016010 42107595 8188526 W01-M58-7992 W01M587992 W01-M58-6128 W01M586128 61830 87987
工业空气弹簧气囊 Industry Air spring air bag Boot, air suspension FD530-30 P03 FD530-30 P04 1698435 1794430 1384594 1628472 FD53030P03 W01D086391 W01-D08-6391 65725
工业空气弹簧气囊 Industry Air spring air bag Boot, air suspension FD530-22 1/1 M8 2C350P02 W01-D08-6388 W01D086388 W01-M58-6112 W01M586112 2682075000 1307058 2B14-354 2B14354
工业空气弹簧气囊 Industry Air spring air bag Boot, air suspension FD330-30 1/4 M8 W01-M58-6384 W01M586384 60417 VSP2B22R-3 (G1)
工业空气弹簧气囊 Industry Air spring air bag Boot, air suspension 气孔G1 FD330-22 1/1 M8 2682060000 W01-358-7180 2B12425 2B12-425
工业空气弹簧气囊Industry Air spring air FD200-25 P02 1608 2B9-701 207065 S09204 T291/2B 291.2.263 578-92-3-206 578923206 VSP2B12RA-3 4.229.1005.00 4229100500 4.229.1005.01 4229100501
工业空气弹簧气囊Industry Air spring air FD200-25 M24 M10 22573233 2B9-743 578-92-3-711 578923711 578-92-3-709 578923709 578-92-3-206 578923206 20541504 2B9-703 2B9-605 2B9-741
工业空气弹簧气囊Industry Air spring air FD200-25 1/4 M8 20C-2 A9463282401 3010702401 JAE3010702401 JAS3010702401
工业空气弹簧气囊Industry Air spring air FD200-25 1/4 M10 2B9-269 20C-2 VSP2B12RA-10 207776 291.2.260 T291/2B W01-M58-7679 W01-968-6771 578-92-3-206 578923206 21221356 15670 81005002 A9463282101 016808 US07394
工业空气弹簧气囊 Industry Air spring air FD200-19 P04 W01-M58-7894 W01M587894 2B-220-3 113002 15599 207773 291.2.203 1319761 1387289 1723523 2B9-700 578-92-3-211 6501706 4.229.1004.00 4229100400
工业空气弹簧气囊 Industry Air spring air FD200-19P02 2B9-234 W01-M58-7756 W01M587756 207065 578-92-3-211 578923211 SP2B12R-17 A9423270601 A9423205821 HS505613 HS508264 HS508345 HS506118 HS507487
工业空气弹簧气囊 Industry Air spring air FD200-19 M14 M10 20F-2 2B-225 2B225 1863244 15710 578-92-3-710 578923710 2B9-742 W01-M58-6891 W01M586891 578-92-3-213 578923213 578-92-3-211 578923211 2B9-729 2B9-613
工业空气弹簧气囊 Industry Air spring air bag FD200-19 3/4 M8 2B-200 2B200 084.127-12A W01-M58-6185 W01-M58-6185 2B5283 2-5283 190130 550011095 00190130 VSP2B12R-1
工业空气弹簧气囊 Industry Air spring air bag FD200-19 1/4 M8 2B5248 2B-200 2B200 W01-M58-6187 W01M586187 W01-M58-7679 W01M587679 9"1/4 S09201 291.2.200
工业空气弹簧气囊FD200-19 1/4 M10 2B9-223 2B-220 206797 113001 S09201NB 01128A-AP 291.2.200 W01-M58-6887 W01-M58-7887 W01-M58-6910 578-92-3-211 578923211 5200-19AP01 SP2B12R 72047 13586 15603 21221395 21222663
工业空气弹簧气囊 Industry Air spring air bag FD120-17 3/4 M8 2B8-2152 VSP2B07R-2 2B5020 2-5020 84181 2C18-120P03 W01-M58-6387 W01M586387 W01-358-7325 W013587325 2682030000 196028 16036 700196028
机械设备纠偏空气弹簧气囊减振器 Mechanical equipment rectifying air spring air bag damper F02-114-128 FD70-13 1/4 M8 196027 W01-M58-6105 W01M586105 812600 610044 040106100440 2B5013 2-5013 25(255-1.5)
工业空气弹簧气囊 Industry Air spring air bag FD200-22 1/4 M10 W01-968-7888 W01-M58-6772 2C211P01 291.2.239 T291/2A A9463281601 2010701601 81005001 US06910 016793
SAE SAF Air spring air bag 1T19L-12 4028NP02 W01-M58-8106 W01-968-8106 287.4.540 130342 34028C 1R14-782 1R14-810 566-28-3-529 566283529 2198335 09377008 US04028 80131003 1D28F-1 54028AP02
SAE SAF Air spring 1T19L-14 W01-M58-8766 W01-M58-7385 V1D28D-4 132062 131722 391314C 1T19E-4 ABM76034A47 287.4.600 202442 507782 566-28-3-510 21222673 3.229.0013.00 2926NP02 1D28D-2 1R14-758 US96681
SAE SAF Air spring air bag 2926V 1T19L-14 1T19E-2L 287.4.601/1 132702 206333 207736 207737 W01-M58-8502 1R14-728 566-28-3-510 566283510 1D28D-10 US07385 3.228.0030.00 3.229.0030.00
SAE SAF Air spring 1T19L-11 W01-M58-6364 W01-M58-6339 V1D28B-2 KR622-26 21215633 1723269 566-28-3-547 566-28-3500 1D28B-2 1R14-705 1R14-857 5813AP03 65023482 ST225-675 128147122 644285 US07345 US87408
SAE Air spring 505859/01 175005 91687700000 2.229.0003.00 2.229.2403.00 2.229.2603.00 2.229.0010.00 2.229.2103.00 5.000.790.692 8403/102 785170 4.731.030.000 4.731.033.000 P2700MB0813
BPW车桥气囊 941MBP30 1R11-743 1R11743 V1DK21Y1 1TC300-36 206356 W01-M58-8618 W01M588618 W01-M58-8668 W01M588668 1T17D-8.3 1T17J-10.3 566-22-3-500 566223500 5941AP04 015502 017109 2338887 40030NP02 1DK21-2
拖挂车空气弹簧气囊 BPW Trailer air spring 940MBP30 40910NP02 566-22-3-501 566223501 017331 207308 133362 751084 2198483 V1DK21KY4 1TC300-30K W01-M58-8585 W01M588585 1T17D-4.3 1DK21K-2 5940AP04 1R11-752 1R11752
机械设备纠偏空气弹簧气囊减振器 Mechanical equipment rectifying air spring air bag damper F02-114-128 F02114128 F02 114 128 P1103
拖挂车卡车空气弹簧气囊减震器 Trailer truck air spring air bag shock absorber 1T19L SERIES C01-M58-1164 C01M581164 C01-358-1164 C013581164
自动化机械设备空气弹簧气囊减震器 air spring air bag 579-06-1-367 579061367 579 06 1 367 JW3014 SZ37-6 1S3-013 SK37-6P02 1S3-013 579-060-013 579060013 579-06-0-013 579 06 0 013 W02-358-3000 1C3014 Y1-1S3-013
拖挂车空气悬挂气囊总成空气弹簧气囊Air Spring Type: Rolling Lobe 1R12367 1R12-367 1T15MT3 1T15M-T3 91012A427 W01 358 9630 W013589630 W01-358-9630 W01 358 9640 W013589640 W01-358-9640
机械设备空气弹簧气囊减震器 Air spring air bag shock absorber for mechanical equipment JBF217/230-2 JBF217-230-2 FD120-20 W013587325 W01-358-7325
拖挂车空气弹簧气囊 Trailer air spring air bag 1T19L7 1T19E1 3229242700 4810NP05 1R14730 1R14-730 3229222700 3229212700 3229212700 V1D28A10 W01-M58-6338 W01M586338 W01-358-6338 W013586338 3229002700
810MB Air spring air bag 空气弹簧气囊 1T19L-7 1T19E-1 130022 D13B20 D13B01 566283548 V1D28A-2 1R14-716 1R14716 W01-M58-8775 W01M588775
810MB Air spring air bag 2228240200 566-28-3-548 1R14-716 1R14716 5810AP03 1D28A-2 1723502 21208082 US874131 US07337 US00622 1080707 HB10315 6504646G 2.229.0002.00 2229000200 2.228.2602.00 2228260200
810MB Air spring air bag 2.228.2402.00 2.228.2202.00 2228220200 2.228.2102.00 2228210200 2.228.0002.00 2228000200 1384273 15635 506243 785168 21215632 21208082 21215632 5.000.452.939 5000452939
BPW车桥空气弹簧气囊BPW Air spring air bag BPW36气囊总成 BPW36空气弹簧汽包总成 BPW36桥气囊 1TC360-40K 133342 292.2.462 207309 V1DK32KY10 1R14-757 1R14757 W01-M58-8666 W01M588666 1T66F-7.0
BPW车桥空气弹簧气囊BPW Air spring air bag 4881NP30 566-28-3-505 566283505 1R14-757 1R14757 54881AP04 1DK32K-2 41010NP03 2198331 751356 750491 6-AB8003-0200 05.429.43.41.0 0542943410 3881-01CPP 132202
BPW车桥空气弹簧气囊BPW Air spring air bag 881MBP30 292.2.532 00934A-AP D14B41 206357 1TC360-45 V1DK32Y9 W01-M58-8667 W01M588667 1T66F-10.8 566-28-3-501 566283501 1R14-748 1R14748 5881AP04 1DK32-2 40010NP01
DAF Air spring VDL Air spring DAF air bag VDL air bag Bus Air suspension Air spring air bag 达夫气囊空气弹簧总成 887MK1 887MK2 887MK3 887MK4 1286251 1697680 1529837 1T15LNR-3 137792 W01-M58-8681 W01M588681
DAF VDL Air suspension Air spring air bag 887MK1 887MK2 887MK3 W01-M58-8682 W01M588682 133972 1697682 1266382 1697685 0392022 1240503 1697684 1697684 1697684 0392011 1529834 V1DF18-2 1R11-798 1R11798
DAF VDL Bus Air suspension Air spring air bag 达夫气囊空气弹簧 1T15LNR-3 W01-M58-8552 W01M588552 1794425 1794427 1794428 21428D07 W01-M58-8549 W01M588549 W01-M58-5785 W01M585785 1R11-888 1R11888
DAF VDL Bus Air suspension Air spring air bag 达夫气囊空气弹簧 887MBK6 1R11-797 1R11797 V1DF18-3 137062 ABM21428A03 W01-M58-5786 W01M585786 1T15UCR-5.5 566-22-3-533 566223533 1154761 1141525 41141525 41154761
BPW车桥空气弹簧气囊 W01M588666 W01-M58-8666 0542943320 0542943390 0542941031 0542941030 0542941021 1R14-757 1R14757 1R14724 1R14-724 566283505 566-28-3-505 4881NP02 9517147570 0542943410 0542941311 0542941221
空气弹簧气囊 Air Spring Rolling Lobe JW8710 充气孔中心距140mm 底座中心距144mm 1R13-124 1R13124 101015S711 101015S522 101016S522 1T17B5 W013588755 W01-358-8755 W013588710 W01-358-8710
拖挂车车桥空气悬挂空气弹簧减震气囊总成 Trailer, axle, air suspension, air spring, shock absorption air bag assembly. JW6348 1V19L-11 1T19L-11 W01-M58-5518 W01M585518 W01-358-5518 W013585518
达夫挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air bag DAF 836NP05 836NP06 1153933 1T17AR-4.5 W01-M58-9710 1153934 W01-M58-9711
达夫挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air bag DAF 792NP01 1448543 1698436 1529836 1793526→距离27那里是37mm W01M588678 W01-M58-8678
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air bag 725NP02 W01-M58-8969 V1DF32-166217 166217 130002 5725AP02 1R14-747 1R14-813 1T66E-10.8 566-28-3-501 566283501
斯堪尼亚挂车空气弹簧气囊 4913NP02 1T19LAJ-14 1440294 4813NP06 1543691 1510195 543691 1731113 W01-095-0365 V1D28H-16 1T19E-93 136352 132122 W01-M58-9881 566-28-3-522 566283522 1379392 1440294 54913AP02 1R14-753
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air bag 4813NP07 1T19L-11 W01-M58-7358 130822 V1D28B-9 1T19E-2BR 1R14-727 1R14-838 566-28-3-547 566283547 54813AP07 1107674 1314906 1865755 255293 298568 325748
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air springSAF2918V 1T19L-7 4810NP05 V1D28A-10 133422 207732 205456 1723275 54810AP05 3.229.2227.00 3229222700 3.229.2127.00 3229212700 3.228.0027.00 3228002700 3.229.0027.00 3229002700
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air bag 1T19L-11 4023NP03 1R14-729 566-28-3-547 V1D28B-10 130322 1314906 1107674 1723280 54023AP03 751082 3.229.0031.00 3.229.2131.00 3.229.2231.00 3.229.2431.00
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air 4004NP03 W01-M58-6366 V1DK22E-8 132782 1723273 1T17BS-6 1R11-713 1R11-750 566-22-3-526 566223526 566-22-3-503 566223503 54004AP03 3.229.0007.00 3229000700 3.229.0007.02 3229000702
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air bag 4157NP08 1T15MPW-7 1T300-37 207768 134262 130942 W01-M58-6317 KR915-53NW V1DK20C-2 54157AP08 1R11-773 566-22-3-521 566223521 90557233 H2501869 M078580
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air bag 901MB 2686029000 5010130683 5010052722
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air bag 811MB 1384274 0388491 1322491 1322720 1R14-718 1T19E-2 2203878 311670000 130042 566-28-3-503 566283503 5.000.745.918 5000745918
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air bag 4159NP14 4159NP06 1T15M-9 V1DK21B-4 133682 PNP311370000 204124 W01-M58-7548 54159AP14 566-24-3-501 566243501 1R12-760 1R12-834 UJA0894-001 21215762 21226039 21215891
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air4159NP03 4159NP14 1T15M-9 V1DK23L-40 PNP311370000 130442 130762 34159-02C 34159-01C W01-M58-7548 W01-358-9130 566-24-3-501 566243501 H2500425 1DK23L-27 54159AP03 1R12-701
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air bag W01-M58-7348 W01-M58-7295 1865757 1327144 1123386 4156NP07 4156NP15 130382 21215761 W01-358-9361 1R12-719 V1DK23K-28 134142 1T15M-6 566-24-3-502 566243502 54156AP07
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air bag 4035NP02 V1DK28F-3 W01-M58-6223 136542 1R14-819 1R14-823 566-28-3-538 566283538 566-28-3-529 566283529 A9463281501 2010501501 017924 1288087 093770001
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air bag 4159NP09 58051210 1R12-721 1T15M-9 W01-M58-9131 RML75260CP9 34159-02CPP 133382 V1DK23L-9131 KR509-9131 566-24-3-501 566243501 54159AP09 H2500324 1525199 M001774
司机座椅空气悬架空气弹簧气囊减震器 Driver seat air suspension air spring shock absorber C.O.B.O. SZ51- 5 60332 9306229 2014118 ABS101 BT21006C 125121 P20.10101 21006C
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air bag 1V6315 4157NP10 1R11-772 W01-M58-6315 206925 V1DK20A-51 1TC300-38 1T15MPW-7 566-22-3-521 566223521 54157AP10 128140028 800449526 M060924
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air bag 1V6045 4884N1P07 81.43600.6041 81436006041 W01-M58-8358 133272 34884-07C 1R11-885 1T17JBR-8.0 566-22-3-540 566223540
挂车空气弹簧气囊Trailer air spring air bag 1V6047 4884N1P06 1T17JR-7.2 1T17JBR-8.0 1TS290-28 135532 206787 207702 W01-M58-8360 W01-M58-9879 1R11-861 566-22-3-540 566223540 1DF19B-1 81.43600.6035 81.43600.6055
四川现代创虎重卡车驾驶室后悬空气弹簧减震器 创虎后气囊减振器 Sichuan modern tiger heavy truck cab rear suspension air spring shock absorber rear air bag shock absorber 64208-7M000 64208 7M000 642087M000
四川现代创虎重卡车驾驶室前悬空气弹簧减震器 创虎前气囊减振器 Sichuan modern Chuang tiger heavy truck cab front suspension air spring shock absorber front tiger air bag shock absorber 64208-7U000 64208 7U000 642087U000
中国重汽新斯太尔D7B M5G驾驶室后悬气囊减震器WG1684447121 中国重汽新斯太尔D7B M5G驾驶室后悬空气弹簧减震器WG1684447121/1 73 1700 012 281 731700012281